Friday, November 6, 2009

Here it is!!!!

Sorry everyone that it took me so long to post this. I couldn't figure out how to creat a video or slideshow with music but here we go I figured it out. Hope you enjoy the pics, I will be posting more soon, plus I want to start a weight lose journey as well so see you soon.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Sorry I am late with this.

Hello everyone,

I am sorry I am late with this posting, But I just wanted to be quick and let everyone out there know that I am happily locked. I am at work so I can't post the pic I took, plus my computer is on the Fritz, so when I fix it I will be sure that I post. But as I was saying, my locks were born Oct 24, 2009 at 8pm. They are beautiful, I love them and have already given them there first washing. I can't say enough about then. But I am having a few minor problems. 1 is my scalp is drier then dry and my consultant sand water only. what am I to do? I will be calling her soon for a solution because I have white patches and I scratch the dry skin to remove it but it keeps coming back. 2 is I so the roller set and even though they curl my ends or still so puffy, my hair really isn't doing the little spiral curls it just looks like an Afro still, so I hope this will start to change soon. But all in all I am so very happy. I couldn't be more ecstatic. But since I have so many pics I will put them in a slide show and post it on here so everyone can see my hair. Well until then I wish everyone a wonderful week. Oh and I will soon be starting little blogs on her on my weight loss journey and healthy eating journeys as well. So I hope there will be people out there to join me or have Ideas that can help me. Oh also I may post new and inspiring bible versus and things of that nature as well, I want to share my grow in knowing the lord as I do it. I believe that somethings that help me may help others as well and it just feel great to share the Grace and Glory of the Lord with others. Well have a great do, I hope to talk again soon.

~~~~God Bless You,