Sunday, December 27, 2009

I Joined Jenny Craig

So this is a video that I will be posting weekly (I guess this is turning out to be more of a Video Blog than just a Blog, well hey whatever works)any way, I have joined Jenny Craig in my quest to lose the last of my pounds that I just can not seem to lose. I need help with the eating part, I grew up eating food so I just need the help and educations on how to eat what I like and still feel good about myself. It's funny I have this guy who says I am beautiful and all of this nice stuff, But I wont give him a chance because I am not happy with my self, well that is all about to change, 2010 will bring me beauty inside and out. I will give him a chance and to start the new year off right I will stay commited to Jenny Craig untill I reach my goal. So everyweek after my weekly meetings at the center, I will post a blog/video shareing what happened at the centre how much weight I have lost and what is to come.

So to start here are my stats that I will post every month:

Starting Weight: 146
Current Weight: 146
Totals Lost: 0
Goal Weight: 126

Happy Holidays and I'm 2 Months Loc'd

Well here is my belated Happy Holidays wishes and I wish everyone a wonderful and fullful New Year. On top of all that I am now 2 Months Loc'd and what a wonderful time I am having. Well enjoy the video and pictures and I will talk to you all soon.

Friday, December 11, 2009

1 Month Loc'd

Hey everyone,

Sorry it has taken me so long, promise I will get better at this but I wanted to put a quick post so everyone could see how my baby loc's are looking.

But I must say I am just loving life. all I do is wash once a week, I spritz my hair with water and a little bit of essential oil. other than that I am just letting my hair do it's thing.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Here it is!!!!

Sorry everyone that it took me so long to post this. I couldn't figure out how to creat a video or slideshow with music but here we go I figured it out. Hope you enjoy the pics, I will be posting more soon, plus I want to start a weight lose journey as well so see you soon.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Sorry I am late with this.

Hello everyone,

I am sorry I am late with this posting, But I just wanted to be quick and let everyone out there know that I am happily locked. I am at work so I can't post the pic I took, plus my computer is on the Fritz, so when I fix it I will be sure that I post. But as I was saying, my locks were born Oct 24, 2009 at 8pm. They are beautiful, I love them and have already given them there first washing. I can't say enough about then. But I am having a few minor problems. 1 is my scalp is drier then dry and my consultant sand water only. what am I to do? I will be calling her soon for a solution because I have white patches and I scratch the dry skin to remove it but it keeps coming back. 2 is I so the roller set and even though they curl my ends or still so puffy, my hair really isn't doing the little spiral curls it just looks like an Afro still, so I hope this will start to change soon. But all in all I am so very happy. I couldn't be more ecstatic. But since I have so many pics I will put them in a slide show and post it on here so everyone can see my hair. Well until then I wish everyone a wonderful week. Oh and I will soon be starting little blogs on her on my weight loss journey and healthy eating journeys as well. So I hope there will be people out there to join me or have Ideas that can help me. Oh also I may post new and inspiring bible versus and things of that nature as well, I want to share my grow in knowing the lord as I do it. I believe that somethings that help me may help others as well and it just feel great to share the Grace and Glory of the Lord with others. Well have a great do, I hope to talk again soon.

~~~~God Bless You,

Thursday, October 15, 2009

8 Dayz till I get locked ;-)

Hello Everyone,

In 8 days I will be getting my install done. I can not wait, I am getting tired of this wig. I know you all are like why is she wearing a wig? Let me tell you and maybe someone may have some advice for what i can do for the next 8 days. I recently took my braids out that I was wearing, and have been conditioning my hair. Well after a week I still was having a lot of hair come out/ break off or what not. I do not comb my hair with out it being soaking wet and with conditioner in it. So to keep my hair from breaking I decided to put it up in plats or braids, I spriz it every day with a mixture of jojoba oil, peppermint oil and water along with rubbing 100% coconut oil on my hair, then I wear the wig for only 8 hours then I get home and take it off. Now what the problem is, I am not sure if my hair was just breaking off or if it was just from wearing the braids for 3 months. Is what I am doing a good idea or should I do something else? Also is there a moisturizing tip I can do coming in to this install? Sorry no pics today, I will be sure to get before, during and after pics of my install so everyone can see how it went.

Well that is enough talking, join me on Facebook we could be friends.

~~~~~God Bless

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Install Coming Soon

Hey everyone it's me again, well I went and talked with my consultant on Friday, and we talked for a while and I think we had a good connection. So after we talked and discussed my hair, I scheduled my install for October 23rd (Yay Me!) I am so excited yall. Well I was gonna have some random talk, but I forgot what I wanted to say. My plans for this blog is to talk about any and everything Natural, Clean Eating, Workouts and More. But for now I will go, oh and I will post a pic of my hair after I took the micros out and one of my hair after I have washed it and styled it. Well have a good eveing and talk to you soon.

~~~GOD Bless

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A hello and Photos

Hello everyone it's me Divine and I am here to just put a few pic of my natural hair up. I have been all over youtube and the internet looking at everyone with their Sisterlocks in and I am getting to happy and I can't wait to get mine and see how I do. Well I really don't have to much to speak on today, I'm tired and I did some home work for my online classes. But other than that work is work and 530 can't come fast enough. well hope I can successfully put these pics on here. If I do enjoy my many different styles. Well I don't know how to put the pics on in like a stager or make the pics smaller but I will learn as i go. These pics were taken between months 3 and 6, I am at month 9 now and my hair is much longer. I have micros in and will be taking them out and when I do I will be sure to post. I will also be making a slideshow of my hair journey to present and pre-sisterlocks. Well i hope everyone had a wonderful Labor Day and I wish you a great week and upcoming weekend.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Introduction from Me

Hello everyone my name is Tadonya, but just call me "Tee". I am new to this Blog thing but just need a way to talk to others learn and share. I'm 27, live in Texas with my daughter, I am a military soldier 9 years an coounting. But I am starting this blog because I am getting ready to start a new journey in my life, I will soon have Sisterlocks and will start a new. I have been natural for two years where in between that I had re-relaxed my hair for like 3 months (a mistake I will not make again). I have been researching Sisterlocks for a year and a half, actually I have been looking at them well before I went natural. But I know i want them and I want them soon. I am hoping to have them installed by my birthday in November of 09. I have already spoken with the Sisterlock Consultant that I will be working with, so soon the day will be here and I will be able to share it with you. Well for now I will go, soon I will attach current photos. But until then God Bless and be cool.